
Friday, April 15, 2011

Make Money on Internet

It seems incredible, but it is not because it is indeed possible to make money on the Internet, but to do so, the task is not easy. For, as they say, money does not grow on trees.
To make money on the internet it takes hard work, no or I do not know recipe for making money on the Internet with ease.
I'll talk here about the possibility of making money on the Internet with blog, which is the way I use.
To make money with blog, the first thing to do is to launch a blog, so until that is easy, simply because it may use a free service like Google, UOL, etc., on these platforms, there are already pre-blog that is ready only necessary to place the content.
A portion of content that is complicated, since it has to be content that attracts a lot of public, if you know something extraordinary and you wish to display on the internet is great, if not interesting to write about different subjects, so that you get traffic to your blog, and the traffic you can attract money, which is the most important.
Now, to attract money there are some options, I use almost two options to get my money with the blog, and am studying a few more options.

The first and most profitable to me, has been Google AdSense, which consists in placing ads on the blog and every time someone clicks on these ads Google puts a few cents on the owner's blog. The Bad Google Adsense is that the payment is made only when the account reaches $ 100.00, but worth it.

The other alternative to earn money online with blog is the UOL, which is to do the same as Google AdSense, but the amounts paid per click are lower, but has the advantage that UOL paid from the time the owner Blog collects $ 30.00, some people say that Google Adsense is better, but I use both because Google has AdSense ads on the page limit, then I fill the rest with ads from MSN.

Another thing that gave me enough financial return on the blog is to put at the end of each post links to other similar matters and, therefore, hold the reader as long as possible on the blog.

For the longer a player goes on the blog, the greater the chance it click on the ads and therefore increasing revenue from Blogger.

And finally, I am studying to exchange links with other bloggers, but this is something for the future.

I am also trying to pass the NetAffiliation, but for now my blog is under review, so I put here to get a response.

Good luck and win big money with a blog.

Wagner Oliveira  Navarro

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