
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

France will try to recover bodies from Flight 447 Air France

According to information provided by the Brazilian Air Force colonel, Luis Claudio Lupoli, the French government authorized the attempt to recover the bodies of the crash of Flight 447, Air France.

The accident occurred on May 31, 2009, and were only recovered 50 bodies so far.

The victims of the accident totaling 228 people, and last month, nearly 02 years after the crash of flight 447 from Rio de Janeiro and Paris, the French rescue teams found the remains of the plane in the Atlantic Ocean.

According to information from Le Bureau d'Enquete et d'Analyses (BEA), the French department who coordinates the investigation of the tragedy unfolding along with the plane, there are remains of bodies of victims of Flight 447, and also was located part of the plane containing the black boxes.

Given the difficulty of recovering all the pieces of the plane, the French government's efforts were in order to recover the part that contains the black boxes, but due to pressure from relatives of the victims of Flight 447, the French government also authorized the attempt to salvage the remains of the passengers on Flight 447.

However, it is not possible to know how many bodies were stuck to the remains of the plane, according to the French government, all this work is being done to prevent further tragedies like the Flight 447 happen again.

Wagner Oliveira  Navarro

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